Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Interesting ways to find a Wii console

Here is my tip which got me my Wii at the retail price in two days.

Followings are interesting ways that I found in Internet.
They are not necessarily useful but fun to read!


By far the easiest way to get one, and this is totally true, is to call up Nintendo. This is how i got mine. Ok all you have to do is send Nintendo support an email saying you are very upset with the shortage and you were told in the beginning that there would be plenty. And your kids are upset to cause they didnt get it for christmas, or whatever sob story you feel is good at the time. I like to throw in how mad it made me when Dr. Phil gave it to all those people on his one show cause he thought it was cool. Well anyway, after you email them they will email you back handing you some line about they are trying their best, the demand is unprecedented and unexpected, and keep looking. Then you reply to that message with a slightly more aggressive one. You dont have to get mean but really reinforce your point and maybe say that this may be the event that stops you from buying Nintendo products because they are not dependable. You might have to go back and forth with them again but this is where it stopped for me. They then replied to me saying that they needed my phone nubmer and a convenient time to call to "look into my problem further". Reply to the message and they will call you when you specify and tell you that they have a few left and and will make a one time exception for you. There will be an exchange of information and a few minutes later your Wii will be on its way. The only extra here is shipping but the $7 in shipping definitly beats waiting all night, in the rain, in a tent, whith crazy people all around you. Especially if you have a job and don't have time to do that.



.as I recall what a few GameStop / EBGames employees told mewhen I was in search of a Wii this summer. They told me thatpeople would stakeout their stores waiting for theUPS/DHL/FedEx delivery truck to roll up and (seeming to knowwhat size/shape box held the much desired bounty) would then"storm" the store hoping to secure the elusive quarry. Me, I justcalled around to a few stores in August and was lucky enough tofind one (store that is) that wasn't being "stalked".



Well, the retail price is $249.99, so you're going to spend that. On eBay they're more, and I just got one at Best Buy. I talked to sales people at Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy, and all three told me this: if the Wii is in our Sunday newspaper ad, we will at least have some when we open on Sunday. So at Target, the girl told me I could check the ad online Sat. night at midnight, and know ahead of time. I checked all the ads, and Best Buy was going to have them. I called to find out what time they opened, and went there at the opening time. And I love my new Wii! Hope this helps, it sure helped me! Good Luck!


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